Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Well I'm writing in my blog because I'm sick of writing. That makes a lot of sense right? Well it does, this is a brainless form of writing that doesn't require me citing anything or looking anything up or going anywhere near the blue book citation manual.

I propose this... instead of archaic citation formats we now have why don't we all just own up to the fact that we do everything online. I mean, other then the time that we were forced to drag out the books to prove that we could find them, I have done all the legal research I've had to do online.

So...why not just replace the citation with a link to the west law page that contains the case or whatever the hell it is?

Oh sure there are many arguements against this... but I don't care. I'm on my 4th paper this semester and I am fucking sick of citation. Go to hell citations, go to hell!!!!

:) Whewww... now back to work.


Blogger The Errant Cook said...


Having just graduated last year with a BS in CJ/Paralegal, I totally feel your pain. Luckily I had profs that didn't require very many papers (course, I was undergrad, not in law school).

But worse than citation...Shepardizing. Ugh.

2:41 PM  

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