Tuesday, May 30, 2006

People You Meet at Work #1: Mailroom Guy

Well…. Since entering the corporation law world I have met some interesting characters. Today, my focus is on the mailroom guy. Here at “random company” we have 2 main mail room guys. Lets call one Great Mail clerk (GMC) and one Creepy Weirdo (CW). So I love GMC, he always has what I need, always gives me the mail where I want it, and has an inexhaustible supply of mailing shit. CW on the other hand is a total freak. I made the mistake of being nice to him when I first started and now he won’t leave me alone!

Sure GMC is friendly and says hi when he passes by…. But CW has taken this to an extreme, I MUST look up and smile at him when he skulks by or else he will stand in my doorway like a nutcase and stare at me (not saying anything, just waiting for me to notice his presence). On the off-chance that I have my door shut he will stand there and stare into the panes of glass waiting for me to acknowledge him.

Fair enough, he likes attention… but so what? Well… I am not used to the mail situation. I am usually the one who does the mailings, so just randomly leaving my mail and fed ex crap in an out folder near my desk and assuming they will come to get it freaks me out a bit. Sometimes I admit it, I go to the mailroom and hand them something, usually when its something very important. GMC never cares, he always smiles, takes it and makes some small talk. CW on the other hand acts as if I have entered his forbidden lair. He turns off his computer screen, bolts to his feet, and grabs whatever I am holding.

Well, me and CW had a showdown last week, where I gave him 16 DHL packages and he failed to actually mail 2 of them, and wouldn’t have unless GMC noticed them sitting around, the next day. Now… I had marked these for extremely urgent overnight, to be delivered by 10:30 in the AM. If these people don’t get their stock certificates who do they blame? No…. not mailroom misfit… ME. So, I was upset, and I no longer trust him with my important mail. He of course has taken this as a personal affront, ignoring all social boundaries to get on my good side. This just makes me hate him more. Plus… I finally got a glimpse of his computer screen and he’s looking at porn in the mail room. I would feel a lot better knowing my important mail did not have semen on it.

Sigh…. The corporate world is an interesting and varied place.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Just Saying Hello

So... I have been MIA for a bit and I guess I really don't want to just let this blog thing go....so I need to start posting again...so here I am.

I don't really know what has me so down lately. At first I thought it was all the build-up for finals and with all the other crap for school and then after days and days of mindless work. But I don' t think thats the case.

So... this is my 4th week on the new job and while I love the work and the office and the position something just irks me about the person over me. I don't know whether its the lack of any sort of compassion, empathy or simple social skills needed to deal with an employee or well I don't know or what. She is just the least friendly, meanest, most unpleasant women I think I have worked for. Usually this doesn't bother me because I can avoid and plan.... but once in awhile she will do something that just makes this urge to quit well up inside of me. Only I can't quit because of the obvious reasons (rent, food, insurance, beer, etc) so I continue on.

Now that I type that it is her putting me in this rotten off depressed mood. It just seems like theres never anything to look forward to.

Also... the commute into Tysons is interesting. I have always known us VA drivers are not low on agression, (or in some cases stupidity) but.... and this message is specifically to those commuting FROM tysons to Alexandria/95S...

you do this every fucking day. Really.... these 2 lanes turn into just one 1. They do this every time, it didn't just happen and its always in the same spot. If there is a space I am making for you in front of me.... take it and enjoy, do not instead come to a dead stop speeding up only when I finally give up and decide to go in front of you. And you...giant mercedes SUV. I am already clearly in front of you in the portion of the road where it is already 1 lane. Why are you driving in the breakdown lane/grass to pass me? Its too late.

Just merge.....really MERGE!!!!! I really think that folks acting like morons should just be shot.... if you're too dumb to figure out your daily commute you really should not be living independently and driving a vehicle!

Well... I guess I should return to work!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Even a free cappaccino from the corporate lunch room can't make first year happy today :( Will come back to posting soon, I promise.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Business Professional Blues

Well... First Year is starting a new job. Which means the ending of my work from home crappy ass job and the start of working with the general counsel for a corporation. I am so excited about the job, it pays much better, its law related.... and its NOT in DC!!!! thats right... yet again I have managed to avert the suductive lure of the city.

It is however in Tyson's Corner.... which is not exactly rural, but hey... there will be a place for me to park my car so I am pleased. The only thing that sucks (and someone will make fun of me for saying this sucks, since I am in law school and all) but while the rest of the huge company must dress in office casual the legal department is stuck in 3-piece suits all day everyday. Which means I will be going to class in a suit every night ;(

However, I do look pretty hot in formal wear so..... I guess I can't whine too much, plus it will give me the perfect reason to go shopping, and I will be vey convenient to the mall ;)

Hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Good luck studying for finals ;)


Business Professional Blues

Well... First Year is starting a new job. Which means the ending of my work from home crappy ass job and the start of working with the general counsel for a corporation. I am so excited about the job, it pays much better, its law related.... and its NOT in DC!!!! thats right... yet again I have managed to avert the suductive lure of the city.

It is however in Tyson's Corner.... which is not exactly rural, but hey... there will be a place for me to park my car so I am pleased. The only thing that sucks (and someone will make fun of me for saying this sucks, since I am in law school and all) but while the rest of the huge company must dress in office casual the legal department is stuck in 3-piece suits all day everyday. Which means I will be going to class in a suit every night ;(

However, I do look pretty hot in formal wear so..... I guess I can't whine too much, plus it will give me the perfect reason to go shopping, and I will be vey convenient to the mall ;)

Hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Good luck studying for finals ;)

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