Monday, January 30, 2006


So... I was listening to Glenn Beck this morning (No... I'm not a right-wing fanatical christian. Thats when I heard this guys's story:

I normally think people who take up a personal all on battle with some company is a nut, but this guy has a legitimate point and I cannot believe the way in which 21st century insurance company is acting (well I can believe it, it just makes me mad.

So... go to the site and spread it around if you want. Companies that act this way (and I went to business school before law school!) should have as many people know about it as possible. I'd love to see good of reputation exact revenge on these nut bags.

Thanks to anyone that actually reads this! :)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Did I really just hear/read that? Part 1

Everyday I run across things that I hear/read that make me wonder what the fuck is the matter with the person/organization/etc. Then I figured why would I keep these thoughts all to myself? So.... I present a series of fucked up things. Enjoy....or not :)

1. The people working at this non-profit seem to have missed a few steps in their reasoning process. This company helps illegal immigrants cross the American Border (they don't use the word help, but that is in fact what they are doing).

They say their goal is to decrease the number of *illegals* who die trying to cross the border. They decided the best way to accomplish this goal would be to publish detailed maps of the area around the US/Mexico border indicating where the water stations they have placed around the desert are located so that the illegals can get to the border safely.

Excuse me???? How the fuck is this legal? I thought helping in the commision of a crime (in this case aiding illegal border crossings) would not be OK. Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to die in the desert, but I also don't want illegal immigrants in this country.

This organization doesn't think they are aiding to the illegals or encouraging border crossings. But they basically make a How-To manual. The leader of this amazing humanitarian groups says that by providing maps and water stations they are encouraging the illegal activity, simply making it safer because they are going to do it anyhow.

What kind of reasoning is this? They warn folks that border crossing is dangerous, but then they provide the means to make it safer. Couldn't this possibly encourage those that weren't crossing the border for fear or their safety to go ahead and cross? Am I missing something???

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Some people just love to hear the sounds of their own voices!

I dont understand the motivation to hear yourself say something in class every single time it meets at least 5 times a class.

I can understand if you have something to add, disagree with something. But why talk when what you have to say isn't adding anything to the discussion? Also, do these people really think a class full of like 90 people really wants to hear their crappy story that is not relevant to the topic, or even funny or interesting?

Can't they tell this pisses the instructor off? Come on! She rolls her eyes whenever you speak and will call on ANYONE other then you!

Just shut up already, or at least say something that isn't completely inane.

Thanks :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Rant: Selfish Fucked up People

So... I want to get this off my chest, and what better way then into the wide internet.

So I have this newish friend, "S" who is the best most wonderful person in the world. I haven't known her for long, but if feels like we're so much closer then we should be. She's great for so many reasons, its hard to list. I will try, but it wont do her any justice (a word I kinda cringe when I hear now!)

1. She is totally self-less. If she can do something for someone, she does. She doesn't ask, doesn't need to be asked. She is happy to make others happy. I am slightly the same way in that I love to see my friends smile.

2. She's 100% non-judgemental. I can tell her anything, the most messed up stuff and she doesn;t even blink an eye, act shocked, or try to pass a moral judgement on me. I have never had a friend, even a best friend, that I had not have to keep secrets from, thinking, what will this person think if I tell them this?

3. She is a great conversationalist. Some people missed the memo on the listen/talk thing, but not her! She knows when I need to vent and she knows she can always vent to me. She doesn;t interrupt constantly, put anyone down, or make others feel bad/studid.

4. She is trusting. Its nice to know that someone trusts you to tell you personal things. :)

5. She;s fun and up for almost anything!

6. She;s not a super girly girl, doesnt obsess with shopping (we both hate it) manicures etc.

I dont know what else to list. But she is truly a beautiful person. A great friend and someone I am really glad I have in my life.

Now...for my rant. Some people are SOOO fucked up towards her. When you meet someone like her (at least for me) you just want to make them smile as much as they want to make you smile. You want to make them happy. But not some fucked up people. Some people want to take advantage or even use the person. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Do they just live to fuck with other. memo to you people.... you are ugly ugly people on the inside. you must be so empty and lonely in your lives that you need to make someone so awseome feel crappy to make your own sad life better. Please know that Karma will come back and bite you! Friendships work with a give and take....not a take take take take. GRRR it just makes me so mad to see someone so wonderful and sweet being treated in such a shitty way by others. I wish these people would just fuck off. Of course I know its not me and I shouldn;t take it so personally. But I do take it personally because she is such a great friend to me. If it were me she would take it personally too. Thats the difference between those shitty people and people like her, Empathy.

OK...rant over. though I could go on for a long time

First Year-

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I am the worst student ever

I think I really am. I am completely unenthusiastic about going to class, I celebrate any cancelled class or one that I can skip. I don't know why I am like this. My classes this semester seeem, at least at this early point, to be a lot more interesting then last semesters. The professors (except for the old guy who teaches con law, he is really freaking old!) are OK and one of them is even pregnant, so there is hope the wench will have to make her exit before the semester is over.

So.... how do I get motivated? I would have to think that my scholastic laziness has something to do with my overall laziness. I work from home most days, doing much of nothing. I spend the rest of my time sitting in various places (class, couch, cafeteria, officer chai, library, etc). This makes me thing I should try to move myself around. I feel as if I have so little energy, the thought of a 30 minute run really makes me want to go runnning back to bed. But maybe I should try to just go around the block or something. Its something to think about. I felt a lot better overall bef0re law school when I was excersing regularly and eating well.

Its not that I am fat now, or a bigger size or anything. But I can see the muscle tone I have gained from years of weight training starting to turn soft. Its kind of amazing how long it take to get into shape and how fast it takes to get out of it (about 4-5 months!).

For now these are just thoughts, I am still in my PJs now. Sigh.


Sunday, January 15, 2006


I havent posted in a while which is bad, but to be honest with you I have been doing lots of drinking lately. Last night did NOT turn out as planned. Initially I had planned to watch the playoffs with BF and a few friends. Then things got crappy, I fell asleep, and many beers after I woke back up at 11pmism I was pretty drunk.

In case you've never been drunk at 5:30am with nothing do with only a single other drunk person to entertain you, let me to tell you sucks. I finally got to bed at around 7:30 this morning, and now I am awake. And my head hurts.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Yup...definetly back

So its official! I am back in school, I tried to deny this fact but, sitting in my classroom now I really need to face reality. Though I have learned at least one thing from last semester, sit in the back row, that way no will see the messed up things that you are doing with your computer. :)

And now, to continue something I only did once before I will continue with some things that do not belong at law school/in class.

1. Fajitas- now these can be in the cafeteria, maybe you'll sit outside and eat them, but they are not good "class food". Good class food is something that you can eat quietly, in the small space each person is alloted, and without making a huge mess all over yourself or others (or computers).

Fajitas (which someone 2 rows down is eating) are a bad food for this environment. First, they do not fit into the space. The person in question has like 5 different containers in front of himself and a pile of tortillas. Second, it is messy. He's spilling rice and assorted fajita fillings on himself and the space around him. Good this his laptop is closed because he'd spill on that too. Thirdly it is not a quiet food and is pretty distracting to those around you. His fajitas are no longer sizzling, but they do smell strongly and the show he is putting on putting the thing together is more fun then waiting for the professor to grace us with her presence.

I recomonend this person try a sandwhich, a pasta dish, or anything else.

2. Mopeds. These look stupid. Don't park these in the spots reserved for cars in the garage. Though I hate to suggest that these god awful things are the same things are motorcycles, but they are closer to those than park it in that spot. We have a tiny garage, next time I might decide to take Boyfriend's giant SUV and drive over it.

3. People who have no intention to practice law/do not want to be involved in the law in any way and just went to law school to (a) gain experience (b) waste time before getting married/supporting yourself/ect (c) were curious about it.

Thats just dumb. I've wanted to be a lawyer since I was in elemtary school and I hate law school. Why anyone will ever do this to themselves and not even reap the "fruits" of the labor.

Well professor is talking, should go. Have fun all.

Yup...definetly back

So its official! I am back in school, I tried to deny this fact but, sitting in my classroom now I really need to face reality. Though I have learned at least one thing from last semester, sit in the back row, that way no will see the messed up things that you are doing with your computer. :)

And now, to continue something I only did once before I will continue with some things that do not belong at law school/in class.

1. Fajitas- now these can be in the cafeteria, maybe you'll sit outside and eat them, but they are not good "class food". Good class food is something that you can eat quietly, in the small space each person is alloted, and without making a huge mess all over yourself or others (or computers).

Fajitas (which someone 2 rows down is eating) are a bad food for this environment. First, they do not fit into the space. The person in question has like 5 different containers in front of himself and a pile of tortillas. Second, it is messy. He's spilling rice and assorted fajita fillings on himself and the space around him. Good this his laptop is closed because he'd spill on that too. Thirdly it is not a quiet food and is pretty distracting to those around you. His fajitas are no longer sizzling, but they do smell strongly and the show he is putting on putting the thing together is more fun then waiting for the professor to grace us with her presence.

I recomonend this person try a sandwhich, a pasta dish, or anything else.

2. Mopeds. These look stupid. Don't park these in the spots reserved for cars in the garage. Though I hate to suggest that these god awful things are the same things are motorcycles, but they are closer to those than park it in that spot. We have a tiny garage, next time I might decide to take Boyfriend's giant SUV and drive over it.

3. People who have no intention to practice law/do not want to be involved in the law in any way and just went to law school to (a) gain experience (b) waste time before getting married/supporting yourself/ect (c) were curious about it.

Thats just dumb. I've wanted to be a lawyer since I was in elemtary school and I hate law school. Why anyone will ever do this to themselves and not even reap the "fruits" of the labor.

Well professor is talking, should go. Have fun all.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Round #2 Already???

Remember when you were an undergraduate and you got to laze around until about the middle of January before going back to school? Well apparently law school is nothing like that. You can imagine my surprise when one of my classmates started bitching about one of our books not being in yet. I hadn't given the books any thought because I figured last didn't start for another week at least.

Well I was wrong. Class starts MONDAY...thats right this very monday. So I did the only thing I could...told my place of employment I woud be out for the rest of the week and I am now sitting in my PJs at home waiting for Dr. Phil to come on.

I could go get the book....but that would require a trip to school, I think I need another day before i am ready to fight for textbooks with the masses.

Well have a good one... I hope you guys have more vacation left then me.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Its 2006 :)

Happy New Years everyone :)

I had a fun time on new years, its one of my favorite holidays, I really like fresh starts and thats what the new year coming feels like to me. I haven't made any resolutions, but if I were to make some I think they would mostly have something to do with not saving reading for school for the last minute, learning grammar better so I don't loose so many damn points on my legal writing stuff, and actually make an outline that I don't start writing a week before the exam.

Yea, all those sounds good but I have been telling myself those types of things since high school. It wasn't a big problem when I was in high school or college. I got through without a lot of reading or preparation, but law school is different. Of course I could be doing really well but I don't know because my grades havent been posted yet. the waiting is killing me,

So I hope everyone had a safe and happy new years. I was with the boyfriend and a few other couples at a friends house. We drank and talked and stayed up the entire night. As I said before new years is a big deal to me... usually prefer to get dressed up and do something of that nature, but this was a nice change.

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